
We offer software for programming, managing, and reading data from Campbell Scientific or Onset HOBO dataloggers, as well as software for complete SCADA contrtol systems. Free software and mobile apps are available. This same software is used in many applications, including weather monitoring, agriculture, SCADA systems, and more. Click on the links below to learn more.

LoggerLink Mobile

Campbell Software

Free and professional software for programming Campbell Scientific dataloggers. Short Cut enables easy point-and-click programming. Free mobile apps are also available.

HOBOware Pro


HOBOware and HOBOware Pro for programming, collecting, and displaying graphical data from Onset’s line of HOBO data loggers. A free mobile app is also available for Bluetooth loggers.


SCADA Software

Software for remote data acquisition and SCADA systems. Allows for remote communication, control, and visual monitoring of Campbell dataloggers.